We have an extensive library of various bOS configuration examples. Select your heating pump, AC, TV or almost any other device and import it to your smart building configuration. We also encourage all system integrators and DIYs to add their own examples to ComfortClick library.
Husqvarna offers a full range of forest and gardening tools including lawn mowers, chainsaws, robotic mowers and more for both professionals and homeowners. Use the Husqvarna Automower Connect API to control your Robotic Lawn Mower and integrate it to your own project. Integration of Husqvarna Automower API into bOS using HTTP driver. Example provides all basic info about the mower, start and park function.
Device preparation
Make sure your auto mower supports their API by reading the device's instructional manual. Sign up for API documentation on their official API developer portal. To get the correct response from the API, username, password and API key strings were added in bOS. Select the values tab on each of these strings and add your username, pass and API key.
Download the example from our website and import it into your configuration. Step by step instructions on how to import are available in our instructional video.
API key and the API settings for the Husqvarna can be set on their API portal. Navigate to their authentication API section on their API site. On the API portal, connect Authentication API function and Automower Connect API function in order to connect bOS to the Husqvarna API. Check the API settings and click Connect new API button at the end. In bOS, fill in all the credentials settings (Username, Password and API key), select Get Oauth Token command, select Functions tab and select Send command, you should get the correct response and use the provided nodes in the example to get all info from/to the device. Example provides fully functional control panel, providing basic information about the device and commands for start and park.
March 31, 2025
I wanted to try again, because it would be useful to have the robot stop before the rain or before the comfortclick starts irrigation.
I confirm what Gianluca wrote 3 years ago: the battery status, position etc. etc. are updated, but the commands do not work.
the "mover/[id]/action" commands do not work.
Too bad because by duplicating the subfolders and changing the ID code I was also able to synchronize all the robots.
April 19, 2022
I have registered in Husqvarna developer portal, and I have generated application and connected API's.
In bOS I filled Username, Password and API key, then I run Get Oauth Token....
And now I have status and ID of my Automower!!! VERY NICE!
But I could not send any command to the robot. I have tried manually via "send command" in bos config, and also via gui "frame". It does not start moving.
Is there a missing step or wrong config I made?
Thanks a lot!
January 27, 2022
Premise: I'm learning today what APIs are, and the json language for me is almost Arabic.
However THANK YOU !, I was able to connect the "CC" to one of my robots. I can't test it because it's hibernating now, as soon as grass grows!
However, having two robots I don't understand if the configuration must be completely changed or just make a change indicating the robot ID somewhere after running the "movers" command.
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